Thank goodness for me I have advantage80/20 to take up the slack

Thank goodness for me I have advantage80/20 to take up the slack
When I started working with advantage80/20 my life was in a process of change as I moved professions from Finance to Estate Agency overnight. It was with considerable appreciation I welcomed the help of Craig and Kim to assist me in getting my estate agency business up and moving.
For instance, as you all know, just starting up you try and do too much yourself – big mistake. I knew that a good backing band is what was required so I was only too happy to have advantage80/20 team be my guide. They were well versed in what would be my best bet on maintaining my contacts and implementing an effective and economical good touch programme.
The great writing team of Stephen and Tatiana are switched on and insightful of what is the best way to portray your programme and soon and painlessly get you on the board.
Thank goodness for me I have advantage80/20 to take up the slack here and deliver 110% for me in such a valuable and integral part of my business start-up. Still early days but we are powering ahead.
Thank you guys – so very happy you are behind me.
36 to Convert
Peter Hardman
Property Consultant