A crystal globe resting in cupped hands

What Will the New Roaring Twenties Bring?

When we think of the last few decades, there are usually a few words that come to mind right away. Many of us can remember or have heard stories from the Booming Fifties, or expansive and Groovy Sixties. The Seventies were glamorous and indulgent…
Silhouette of father and son pointing to the future

There’s optimism in the air

There's optimism in the air We’ve been out and about in the last couple of months talking to people about business and life in general and feel a sense of moving forward.  Is there really something in the air?  We asked a few…
Kim Penney presenting 36 to Convert

Kim is in Orlando! Take Advantage and join one of her FREE Classes

Kim will be visiting Orlando in January and will be out and about with Stephen and Tatiana taking classes at various locations in the city. The classes will consist of a 1½ hour workshop where delegates will learn how to create their own campaigns.…