September Success
Helping people generate repeat business and referrals by building relationships with their contacts is what we do! So, it’s testimony to our 36 to Convert strategy, that September saw four existing clients continuing to partner with us for another year. One of these clients has signed up for his third year running, simply because he loves what we do. He said we help him bring the personal touch to his marketing, we totally get him, we get what he stands for and we tell that story so well!
Throughout the month of September, we were also delighted to welcome aboard new clients. We always take great pleasure in the Discovery Sessions; hearing clients’ stories, understanding their ‘big why’, where they want to go and how we can help them get there. Armed with this information, we are then able to write and launch their 36 to Convert campaigns. We had some fantastic feedback from our lovely new clients, with comments including: “I love all the stores that you have written!”, “Tatiana is an amazing writer and makes it glue together perfectly” and ‘first impressions BRILLIANT, glad to have you on our side.”
The 2nd of September saw Jorge Trejo join us as guest speaker at our most recent 36 to Convert Marketing Masterclass. The Masterclass was a huge success, with a fantastic response from those who joined us on both sides of the Atlantic, asking to hear more from Jorge and the rest of the team on how he creates $100,000 from 100 relationships! Make sure to join us at the next Masterclass, where we will be showcasing Erik Hansen and Rodney Waits as our special guest speakers. Erik has tripled his business over the last three years, all from his sphere and referrals by being laser focused on developing those relationships. Rodney has had incredible growth too by being relationship focused and being dedicated to helping in his community. Both of them are happy to share their tips and tricks.

We place great importance on supporting our clients throughout the year and regularly run Zoom calls. Coming up in the month of October, we will be hosting two calls on the topic: “How to generate repeat business and referrals by staying connected to your sphere in a purposeful way”. Our very own coach Craig Delahoy will be leading this session, providing invaluable how-tos, followed by a discussion and Q&A. So much value can be gained from these open forum sessions and you can join Craig, Tatiana and Kim on Monday 26th October at 7PM BST or Tuesday 27th October at 2PM EST.
In the month of September our Creative Writer and Designer Tatiana continued to receive outstanding feedback. One such comment we received was “thank you so much Tatiana! You created amazing content for my 36 to Convert campaign! Please add me to all of your client training webinars and coaching calls. I want to make the most of your amazing work!’. If you too would like to benefit from Tatiana’s expertise, you can join her in the two mini coaching clinics she will be running in October; “Stress or Stressor” on October 8th at 2PM EST and “4 Steps to Leveraging Conversations” on October 22nd at 2PM EST.